Squint Surgery

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Squint Surgery

Squint is a common eye condition. Here, the eyeball does not align properly and points in different directions. This misalignment can affect vision and degrade vision quality. We have a squint specialist at Manorama Netralaya in Mulund who can assess the extent of your problem and recommend the right treatment.

We also excel in pediatric and adult squint correction surgeries. Our experienced doctors have years of experience in squint eye surgery and can provide top-notch solutions to get your eye alignment back to normal. So, you can lead a happy life without any alterations in your eye vision.

What are the different types of Squint Problems?

Squint correction methods can be of different types.

  • Esotropia: The eyeballs turn inward. Leads to eye strain or double vision.
  • Exotropia: The eyeballs turn outward. It leads to poor depth perception and double vision.
  • Hypertropia: Here, one eye is at a higher level than the other. It affects depth perception.
  • Strabismus: It leads to misalignment in eyes at the time of development in children. It impacts visual development.
  • Adult Onset Strabismus: Here, the squint problem develops in adults later on time. They occur due to underlying health conditions.
  • Converge Insufficiency: Patients face problems in keeping their eyes aligned while focussing on any object.

What treatments can you avail for Squint at Manorama Netralaya?

The squint specialists at Manorama Netralaya offer a wide range of treatments for squint issues. Some of the major treatment options are as follows.

Orthopedic Evaluation
Here, our doctors conduct a comprehensive assessment of eye alignments for squint eye surgery. We also coordinate personalized treatment plans.

Vision Therapy
We provide patients with customized exercises according to their problems to strengthen the eye muscles and improve eye conditions.

Prism Glasses
Our squint specialists also provide prism glasses to patients to manage double vision and help align the eyes.

Toxin Injections
In some cases, the doctors also provide injections to relax the corrective eye muscles and improve the alignments.

Surgical Correction
We also provide precise surgical procedures to the patients for adjusting the eye muscles. It also helps in achieving proper eye alignment and enhances both aesthetic appearance and visual function. For the same, they also provide squint eye surgery.

Amblyopia Treatment
This helps with managing the lazy eye condition that is associated with squint through vision therapy and patching.

Manorama Netralaya in Thane provides a patient-centric approach to everyone who visits for squint eye surgery. You can always trust us for eye disorders in Mulund and avail of the best eye surgery options. We have the best squint specialists at Manorama Netralaya who can provide the best surgical options and can help you enjoy a better vision for the rest of your life.

So, if you are looking for the best squint eye surgery options in Thane, you should always reach out to Manorama Netralaya in Thane. We are always there to provide the best surgical options to patients and help lead to better vision. From detailed examinations to surgical practices, we are always there to provide the best solutions to patients through our squint specialists in Mulund.
